The Instructional Time Task Force was created to study issues such as the school start date, the length of the school day and school year, and after-school programming.
Among the recommendations:
•Local school districts should continue to set the length of the school day for their students. However, Iowa should encourage extended time opportunities through after-school programs and support school districts that commit to innovative efforts.
•State lawmakers should require Iowa schools to meet a minimum of 1,080 hours of instructional time for each school year beginning with the 2014-15 academic year to allow for more effective use of instructional time.
•Current law regarding the school-year start date needs clarity, definition, or change. State lawmakers and the Governor must make a decision on the issue that best benefits Iowa’s students.
The task force also states that everything that drives discussion in this policy area should focus on quality instructional time to improve student achievement. Simply adding time to the day or year without thinking how that time can best be used is not beneficial. Every decision should put the focus on students and how the use of time in school can best help their educational experience. The entire report can be found on the Iowa Department of Education website.