Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Benton Communication Team for 2016-17

The Benton Communication Team serves as the school improvement advisory committee (SIAC) for the school district.  Committee representation on the BC Team includes teachers, administrators, GWAEA staff, parents, students, and other interested patrons.  The first meeting will be on Wednesday, October 12th at the Central Administration Office Board Room starting at 7:00 p.m.  

The primary goal and work of the district advisory committee is in providing insight to the comprehensive school improvement plan for Benton Community and to monitor and provide feedback on student achievement goals.    Other topic areas include district needs assessment, curriculum, instruction, and assessment, professional development, school calendar, and attendance center/PTO reports. 

The school district is very interested in expanding parental representation on the committee this school year.  This is a great opportunity to participate in a process impacting the education of our students.  Please contact Gary Zittergruen at Central Office (228-8701 Ext. 501) or email at gzittergruen@benton.k12.ia.us  if you are interested in joining the district advisory committee.

Benton Communication Team Meeting Dates for 2016-17:
Wednesday     October 12, 2016
Wednesday     January 11, 2017
Monday          April 17, 2017

Meetings will be held at the Central Administration Board Room starting at 7:00 p.m. unless otherwise notified.