Happy President's Day! If you like variety the weather has provided it this morning - freezing rain, snow, sleet, rain, snow again, and throw in some wind!
The following modifications have been made to the Benton Community School Calendar as a result of school being closed today:
1. Friday, March 21 will remain an early dismiss for K-6 grade reporting and 7-12 PD. The end of the MS/HS Term has been moved (read on).
2. Tuesday, March 25th will now be a regular school day.
3. Wednesday, March 26th is now the end of the MS/HS Term 3 (45 days). Classes will be dismissed at 1:00 p.m. on this date for 7-12 grade reporting and the K-6 will have building level PD until 3 p.m. K-6 Conferences will be from 3 to 8 p.m. on this date.
4. Thursday, March 27th is now the start of the MS/HS Term 4. K-6 parent-teacher conferences will be held from 4-8 p.m. on Thursday.
5. Friday, May 30th is now a regular school day.
6. Monday, June 2nd is the final day of the school year (45 days) with a 1:00 p.m. dismiss.
7. PK-12 PD will be on June 3, 4, 5.