Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kevin Honeycutt PD Event

The Benton Community staff and administration enjoyed a wonderful day of  staff development opportunity with Kevin Honeycutt on Wednesday afternoon.  Kevin Honeycutt is a technology integrationist and a nationally recognized staff developer from Central Kansas.  He spent 13 years teaching K-12 art and now travels the country and the world sharing ideas with educators.  His website is a valued treasure house of resources for educators.  It is also a wonderful resource for students and parents. 

All sessions were held at the Mt. Vernon CSD.  Here is an overview of the sessions from yesterday's event.

8:30 - 11:00 a.m.     Teaching Wired Learners

This session was open to registered participants from throughout the AEA 10 area.  Teachers explored tools that should be used to engage students.  The session incuded the topics of digital responsibility, mentoring, and preparing kids for success in virtual space.

1:00 - 4:00 p.m.       Trends, Tactics, and Tools for 21st Century Learning

This session was designed for the teachers and administrators of the Benton Community, Mt. Vernon, and West Branch school districts as well as registered participants.  The session exposed educators to some new technology tools, reinforced the importance of building positive relationships with learners, and emphasized the importance of self-directed staff development through building a personal learning network.

6:30 - 8:00 p.m.      Leading in the Innovation Age

This session was designed for school board members, School Improvement Advisory Committee members, Design team members, and administrators.  Kevin shared his thoughts on the meaningful integration of technology, leadership for 21st century leaders, and strategies for leading and planning for the future. 

Thank you to the Benton Community Board of Education and school community for supporting this unique learning event for the Benton staff!