Monday, December 3, 2012

District Advisory Committee to Meet

The Benton Communication Team (District Advisory Committee) will meet on Monday evening at the MS/HS Media Center starting at 7:00 p.m.  Below is the agenda for the meeting:


1. Opening Activity – Video and Discussion: “The Ever-Increasing Burden on America’s Public Schools” (Schools Cannot Do It Alone)
2. Benton Design Team Update and Power Point
3. Department of Education Site Visit Discussion and Planning
     a) Schedule
     b) Interview Teams
     c) District Overview
     d) SIAC Committee Interview Questions
     e) Q and A

4. Bobcat Pulse - Attendance Center / Program Reports
5. Agenda Items for February 25, 2013 meeting
6. Adjourn
Tentative Meeting Dates for the Remainder of the School Year:
  • Monday, February 25
  • Wednesday, April 17