Monday, November 5, 2012

Administrator Evaluation Task Force

Today's update includes a brief synopsis of the fourth task force recommendation from the Iowa Department of Education. The Administrator Evaluation Task Force was created to study evaluation practices for Iowa school administrators and to develop recommendations for a statewide system.

Among the recommendations:
•Create, implement, and sustain a research-based rubric administrator effectiveness system that incorporates ongoing and formative tools and processes to promote continuous improvement of the administrator, the school, and the school system.
•Enhance and maintain professional supports for administrators performing at different levels of experience, and build the human and social capital within the system that will support their growth over time.
•Develop, execute, and maintain a research and development component tied to the administrator effectiveness system with the purpose of evaluating, making system improvements, and informing stakeholders.

At the conclusion of the task force's work, one crucial message resonated: The administrator effectiveness system must function within the context of the larger system goals of improving learning and complementing other education priorities shaping education reform in Iowa.  Along similar lines, the task force agreed that administrator evaluation serves as an important component, but not the entire component, of a system of administrator effectiveness. Evaluation serves as an outcome of consistent, ongoing feedback and coaching.   The entire final report of the task force is available on the Department of Education website.