Monday, July 9, 2012

Setback at the Stadium

While the District remains optimistic that the stadium project will be completed on schedule, we are dealing with a setback that will make the timeline for completion tighter than anticipated.  Currently the base for the field is not at a satisfactory level of compaction as determined by Mondo, the turf installing company.  Without any signficant rain during the course of the base work it has been difficult to reach the desired level of compaction, although the field appears and is level, it needs to be firm and compacted.  As a result the field will need to be watered and rolled prior to turf installation.  We are planning on this work being done before the end of the week and for Mondo to be on site on July 16th to determine whether the field is ready for the turf.  Once the turf work begins it takes approximately three weeks for total completion.  The final layer of the track and the painting of lines and markings will follow the turf installation.  If you are counting weeks, it will take us very close to the middle of August before this work is completed.  The first home FB game is scheduled for August 24th!