Friday, June 29, 2012

Unlocking the Potential of Every Child

Jamie Vollmer is an award winning champion of public education and the author of the highly acclaimed book, "Schools Cannot Do It Alone".  Vollmer shares that 21st Century schools need to be different than the schools of the past. Twentieth Century schools were designed for the industrial age with "thinkers" and "doers" sorted and selected for an industrial age. 

Vollmer goes on to say that the new cognitive age demands we unlock the full potential of every child.  We cannot afford to have children drop out of school. In the past, you could drop out of high school and make a great wage in a factory. Today, only 13% of unskilled workers are making a decent wage. Projections show that by 2020, only 5% of unskilled workers will be able to make a decent wage.  It is important that we understand the new environment we find ourselves in.  It is essential that we verify and celebrate what is good about our schools, but we also need to look at changes that are required so that we "unlock the potential of every child".