Friday, June 8, 2012

Another Great Week of Progress at Construction Site

While we all would like to see a good soaker during this dry spell, the conditions have been ideal for outside construction work on the field and track stadium area.  This week could best be described as the week of "ROCK".   Truck load after truck load of rock were hauled into the stadium entrances.  The vast majority of the rock was used for the rock base for the field turf field.  There is also a rock base all the way around the perimeter of what will be the new track.  The concrete floor was poured in the new restroom and storage facility.  Construction has also begun on the storage facility that will be on the north end of the stadium.

Significant changes are also taking place in the fine arts wing and the auditorium.  The new concrete floors have been poured in both the band and vocal music classrooms.   Most of the demo in these areas has been completed.  The auditorium is staffolded throughout the area in preparation for work on the ceiling of the aud and new lighting. 

Each day seems to have something new and exciting to check out.  It will be really interesting to see where we are at come the end of June!  Stay tuned for future updates!