Friday, May 4, 2012

Benton Community Recognizes Leaders During School Board Recognition Week

As citizen leaders, school board members face complex and demanding challenges. Yet few people fully understand the scope and far-reaching implications of board members’ responsibilities. All Iowa citizens should recognize the vital contributions of these men and women and focus attention on the crucial role these elected public officials play in the education of our children. Their job is to establish a vision for the education program, design a structure to achieve that vision, ensure schools are accountable to the com¬munity and strongly advocate continuous improvement in student learning. That job entails an endless string of meetings and school functions to attend; reams of reports, agendas, proposals and other infor¬mation to read and study; and a host of difficult decisions to make.

School board members come from all walks of life. They are farmers, secretaries, doctors, lawyers, homemakers, architects, truck drivers, professors, business owners and real estate agents, to name a few. Although they wear many hats in the workday world, school board members put on a collective hat when they get down to the business of leading their school districts. Board members must pull together as a team toward a common goal—helping students achieve. Though they may individually disagree on cer¬tain issues, their role as a board is to consistently strive toward that goal!

Board members contribute thousands of hours each year leading their districts. Whether it be crafting policies, hiring administrators, listening to staff and student concerns or recognizing outstand¬ing programs, board members always keep their eyes on the goal of student achievement. The time spent in board meetings represents just a small fraction of the hours school board members spend leading in their districts. They also work hard at seminars and training sessions to keep abreast of the latest trends in educational leadership, are deeply involved in community activities and spend many hours in the schools and at extracurricular events. Their love for learning, and concern and caring for students, staff and community, drives board members’ desire to lead so students can achieve.

In recognition of the dedicated service of Iowa school board members, May 6 -12 has been designated School Board Recognition Week. Please join us by saying “thanks” to our school board members and recognizing their efforts throughout the year. Members of the Benton Community Board of Education include: Jack Barnes, Roy Becker, Bill Boies, Wayne Reinhardt, Patrick Stepanek, Brian Strellner, and Dan Voss.