The early morning hours provided the "first taste" of winter weather in Iowa resulting in a two hour delay to the start of our school day. In the event of inclement weather the first call is always the Bobcat Voicelink number at 830-2164 or by cell phone or long distance call 515-830-2164. Iowa School Alerts is another tool used for communicating with parents and students regarding school weather annoucements. This is a free service that you can sign up for and receive either an email or text message notification.
The three major television networks are also called and report over the air or on their website. The district will not use the the School Reach notification system for early morning announcements impacting the school day, but may use the system in the event of an early out situation due to the weather or other reasons. The early morning notifications are made prior to 6:00 a.m. unless the weather situation changes after that time requiring a later decision.