Lobby for School Funding Day
Today is "Lobby for School Funding Day" across Iowa. The Iowa Association of School Boards, in conjunction with the Public Education Coalition has designated this important day for school districts.
Supplemental State Aid is the critical funding source for Iowa’s public schools. So far, the Iowa Legislature has failed to come to an agreement on a state aid rate. By law, school funding for this year was supposed to be set during the last legislative session, and fiscal year 2017 was supposed to be set in mid-February! The Governor has proposed, and the House of Representatives passed, legislation giving schools a 1.25 percent increase. The Senate has passed legislation giving schools a 4 percent increase. An agreement on the funding level has yet to be reached.
Please consider being an advocate for public education and for Benton Community Schools!
Legislative Contacts:
Pam Jochum - Senate President
Kraig Paulsen - House Speaker
Ron Jorgensen - House Education Committee
Tedd Gassman - House Education Committee
Patti Ruff - House Education Committee
Herman Quirmbach - Senate Education Committee
Brian Schoenjahn - Senate Education Committee
Amy Sinclair - Senate Education Committee
Dawn Pettengill - Benton CSD House Representative
Tim Kapucian - Benton CSD Senate Member