Thursday, October 16, 2014

Great Principals Create Great Schools

October is National Principal Month, being celebrated in Iowa and across the country to honor the impact of the many building leaders who shape teaching and learning each day.  Friday, Oct. 17, is "Thank a Principal Day"—a great opportunity to share your appreciation with principals at Benton Community.

Consider these insights on the work of principals, which I culled from the comments of leading principals around the country who are being recognized as national distinguished principals:
Successful school principals develop cultures that are characterized by shared goals, shared knowledge, mutual respect and transparent communication. They are instructional leaders who create a learning environment that is research and data-based, while building academic success on a foundation of relationships and respect. They are experts in the “people business,” who must understand people’s needs and ensure that all students and staff know they are valued and cared for. They focus on ensuring students learn to read, write and do math, but also learn to get along with other people so all students become positive citizens. They start every day with the focus on building motivated, engaged minds. They give credit to their team when achieving success and accept full responsibility when experiencing setbacks.

Congratulations to principals at Benton Community on a job well done!